Adding Depth to Your Logo for Higher Impact

Whether your graphics need to be recreated from a printed sample or modified in some way, Sharkey Graphic Solutions can help. We are experts in Graphic Repair, Logo Repair, Logo Modification, Logo Restoration and much more. Please feel free to browse through a few samples of how we can repair or modify your graphics, and visit our Logo Page for more complete descriptions and examples of how we can assist you with your logo designs.
Adding Depth to Your Logo for Higher Impact Adding Depth to Your Logo for Higher Impact
It is always important to have a basic solid vector version of your logo for all of the different applications that they are needed for, such as T-Shirts and various other promotional items; but when you would like to improve your impact on brochures, posters, banners and other paper items, it can be a real plus to have a logo with much more depth. Shown to the left is just one example of this, and how Sharkey Graphic Solutions can give you alternative creative options to promote your business.