Transpromotional Designs or “Transpromos” are small ads which are commonly placed on statements or invoices. These small ads are ideal for promoting events, services or relaying a special message to your customers. Sharkey Graphic Solutions creates “high impact” transpromotional designs for all of your needs to relay your message with a maximum impact and effectiveness. Choose Sharkey Graphic Solutions to create your transpromos. When your designs are approved we will directly forward your transpromo to your statement processor so that it can be added to the statement range you have specified. For your reference we have shown an example of one of our transpromos placed on a billing statement below.

Please view many other Transpromos we have designed below, as we are confident that you will appreciate the many of benefits that they can offer your business.
Electricity Program Offers

Paperless Billing Promotion

Tankless Hot Water Heater Ad

Seasonal Sump Pump Incentive

New Customer Incentives

Coming Soon Information

Plumbing Service Incentive

Supplier Snow Removal Plea