Why can’t I see the new font I just downloaded in my Adobe Indesign document?

From everything you can tell there is nothing wrong with the font you just added but your Indesign document can’t see it.


The Tip


Here are a couple of quick tricks that will very often work…

  1. In your font window/drop down type in the font name, rather than scroll down the list to find it. Sometimes you are not seeing the font because the font has a slightly different name or prefix than what the font is called on the font icon itself, causing you to miss the font in your list. Something like ITC or Berthold may actually be how the font is recognized when you are actually using it in your document.
  2. If it is not as simple a problem as mentioned above then go to you’re the actual Indesign program folder on your computer. In the program folder you will see a folder named “Fonts”. Place the font in that folder. Then go back to your Indesign document and you will usually see your font and be able to use it in your document.